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Baldness is one of the problems of our age. A lot of men suffer from it. Some of them have hereditary problems and some of them experience hair loss problems due to insufficient care of their hair. For this reason, many people need a hair transplant method. So how is hair transplant done? Here is the answer…
Hair transplantation is not a hard operation as it is thought. It is an operation performed by moving the roots taken from areas that are resistant to baldness to places where there is no hair left. However, it is generally preferred to take hair from the nape of the neck. The reason for this is that the hair in the nape roots does not fall out because they are insensitive to the DHT hormone.
What are the methods of hair transplantation?
One of the most important detail about hair transplantation is the method. You can learn in this article how the transplantation is performed, before you get a hair transplantation… Here are methods of hair transplantation;
Actually there may be not only one reason for hair loss in men. Baldness or sparse hair in the family, especially genetically, in men, is considered an indicator that young members of the family may also have hair loss problems in the future. Hair loss also caused by lack of minerals, stress, hormone disorder. In addition, hair loss can also be a sign of serious health problems. Before going into the subject of how hair transplantation is done, perhaps it is necessary to examine the reasons why people have hair loss.
In fact, the most commonly used hair transplantation techniques are FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) techniques.
The difference between these two is that in one, FUT, the hair root transplant is performed with a surgical operation, while the other (FUE technique) is a non-surgical hair transplant.
In hair transplantation with FUE, the hair follicles taken from the nape area are collected one by one without any linear incisions and transplanted to the area to be transplanted. In this method, which is highly preferred due to the fact that it can be performed more conveniently and comfortably than the hair transplantation methods applied until today, it is possible to perform hair transplantation by collecting hair follicles not only from the nape area but also from other parts of the body.
The most important advantage of the FUE method is that hair transplantation can be performed without cuts, stitches and as much as possible without leaving any traces. In addition, the healing of the hair transplant area and the area where the hair follicles are taken takes an average of 7-10 days, that is, much shorter than alternative methods. In the FUE method, where bleeding occurs less, the operation time is between 4 and 8 hours in a single session.
In FUT method, hair transplantation is performed with a simple operation. Hair follicles from the donor area (mostly the nape) are cut into a strip and transplanted into the channels opened in the bald area where the hair will be transplanted.
The area cut from the donor area is approximately 15 cm long and 2 cm wide. However, if fewer hair follicles are to be transplanted, or more clearly, the amount of hair to be transplanted will be less frequent, then the area to be cut will be smaller.
Healthy hair follicles are extracted one by one from the skin removed from the nape area and placed in special containers properly. Thanks to the special solutions used with the developing technology during the waiting of the hair follicles, it is also possible to keep the sections and hair follicles as alive as possible using a method called live graft.
While the area where the section is taken on the nape is closed with an aesthetic suture, the hair follicles collected in the area to be transplanted are placed one by one into the canal opened with local anesthesia.
The advantage of this method over the FUE method is that hair follicles can be removed more quickly. On the other hand, the disadvantage is; that the suture mark in the area where the section was cut on the nape will not disappear easily.
Before these two methods emerged, hair transplantation was mostly performed with the DHI method.
In the DHI method, the local anesthetized person is loosened from the donor area with a special device and collected one by one and then transplanted to the area to be transplanted using a special pen. In this application, where the waiting time of the hair follicles outside the scalp is minimal, the removal of the hair follicle and its placement in the area where the hair transplant is performed are done at the same time.
With this method, which can be performed without damaging the existing hair, hair transplantation can also be applied to people whose hair loss has not yet been completed. The disadvantages are that the cost of hair transplantation is much more expensive than other methods, it is highly dependent on the skill of the doctor who will do it, and the possibility of damaging the hair follicles is higher.
Of course, as medicine and technology develop, we continue to hear new hair transplant techniques every day.
However, almost all of the newly released methods are basically nothing but the development of devices used in FUE or FUT techniques. For example, one of them: Percutaneous Technique.
In this method, hair follicles are taken from the area in the nape of the patient, by means of low-speed micromotors, during the hair transplantation process. The special engine used during this process takes the multiple roots without breaking them, preserving their integrity, and the Sapphire Percutaneous Technique is used to create the areas to be planted.
Here, the part that differs from the classical method is the use of special devices with real sapphire needles.
In Sapphire Percutaneous Technique; The hair follicles collected from the nape are transplanted into three-dimensional channels instead of two-dimensional slits with special devices with sapphire needles, which are produced from real sapphire and cause the least damage to the tissue. Since these channels, which are the same size as the hair follicles, are opened with special devices with real sapphire needles, the damage to the tissue in the hair transplant area is minimal and the recovery speed is 2 times faster. In this technique, which is claimed to leave no scars, the channels that are the same size as the transplanted hair follicles are opened between the intact hair follicles in the transplantation area and do not damage the roots. The risk of edema from hair transplants performed with the Sapphire Percutaneous Technique is considered to be quite low.
A healthy man has an average of 100,000 strands of hair on his head. And it is considered normal to lose 100-150 strands of hair per day in adult men. In addition, this number may increase in cases such as seasonal changes, weather changes, and changes in eating habits. However, this increase is expected to last for a maximum of 2 months.
It is assumed that hair loss is abnormal if each of the hair loss recurring 3 times a year lasts longer than 2 months.
First it should be known that not everybody can have a hair transplantation. For example, people who is totally bald cannot have hair transplantation. Because hair transplantation is performed by transplanting hair follicles taken from a region of the scalp (this region is called a donor) to the region where there is no hair. Therefore, it is not technically possible for people who have a complete baldness problem, that is, no hair on their scalp, to have a hair transplant.
In addition, another criterion required for hair transplantation is that the type of hair loss is suitable for hair transplantation. For example, it is not possible for men under the age of 22 to have a hair transplant. Thats because, people who is under this age, have not complete their hair loss. Therefore, since the course of the shedding of a person whose hair loss is not completed is not clear, hair transplantation to be performed at this stage may cause a very bad appearance with the areas to be shed later. But, of course, if permanent hair loss occurs in certain areas of the head as a result of accidental damage to the scalp or severe burns in a certain area of the hair, it is known that hair transplantation can be performed on these people with the guidance of a doctor.
Thirdly, hair transplantation is not performed for those with certain diseases due to life-threatening risks. Hair transplantation is not performed in patients with hemophilia (i.e. blood clotting problem), blood pressure and diabetes patients, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV (i.e. AIDS) patients in order to perform hair transplantation, which is a microsurgical operation.
The 4th criteria is the type of hair loss. It is a fact that hair transplantation perform only in permanent hair loss. For this reason, hair transplantation is not performed in people who experience long-term hair loss due to stress, and also in cases of temporary hair loss such as hormonal disorders, ringworm, fungus, anorexia, blumia, thyroid, anemia, iron deficiency, and hair loss due to faulty hair care.
It is stated that hair transplantation is usually performed on people with male pattern hair loss. Male pattern hair loss is the name given to the first thinning of the hair on the top of the head and the temple area and then the loss of it. Over time, this shedding regresses towards the temples. The person only gets hair in the middle of the front of the head, the top part is opened day by day.
To get detailed information about hair transplantation and to make an appointment, click now or contact us by using the information on our contact page.
In female pattern hair loss, hair transplantation does not give the expected result and may cause disappointment. Female pattern hair loss is in the form of weakening, thinning, and shedding in the top and front areas of the hair.
Hair analysis is done to understand what kind of hair loss the patient have.
In addition to male pattern hair loss, it is possible for those who have regional hair loss to have hair transplant. Especially in the crown areas, the front right and left forehead areas of the hair, hair transplantation can be done against hair loss that has now been completed. The critical point is if hair loss is completed or not. With hair analysis it can be seen if hair loss is an ongoing process or not. For the ongoing regional hair loss, to perform hair transplantation, complete of hair loss is waited.
In addition, the donor area must be sufficient for hair transplantation. Especially the nape area is considered as a donor area for hair transplantation. However, if enough hair follicles cannot be obtained in the nape area, in this case, hair follicles can be taken from the chest, back, arms and legs and transplanted to the areas where hair loss occurs.
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