KVKK Policy



As EstTime International Health Services, we regard to the security of your personal data. With the awareness of our responsibility, as a Data Controller within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“KVK Law”), your personal data can only be processed in accordance with the KVK Law and other relevant legislation within the scope described below.

1. Processed Personal Data;

Your personal data processed by EstTime International Health Services are collected in order to the services that is provided as appointment, examination, medical treatments, transfer, accommodation and flight ticket; with verbally, in writing or electronically through call center, website, online services and similar means. Also, your personal data can be collected when you participate to the programs, seminars and organizations which EstTime İnternational Health Services’ organized. Especially your passport data, your special personal data, and your general personal data which mentioned below, can be processed by EstTime International Health Services in connection with the purposes, including but not limited to the following, specified in this clause:

The personal data which mentioned in the following, can be processed by EstTime International Health Services in connection with the purposes specified in Article 2 and in a measured manner and can be transferred to the persons, institutions and organizations specified in Article 3: Your personal and private data, especially your passport data: name, surname, T.R. Identity number and/or passport number and/or temporary TR ID number, place and/or date of birth, marital status, gender, health insurance, occupation, insurance card number, workplace registry and/or patient identification number and other data that can identify you, address, phone number, e-mail address and other contact data, Your personal data obtained when you contact us via voice call recordings kept by customer representatives and/or patient services in accordance with call center standards and via e-mail, letter and/or other means, financial data such as bank account number, IBAN number, credit card information, and billing data, notifications such as survey, thank and complaint letters, satisfaction results, If you use the parking lot, your license plate data, In accordance with the legislation in our institution, your images obtained from camera recordings that are constantly recorded in common areas, data that you send and/or enter through all websites, social media accounts and online services of EstTime International HealthServices, Your IP address, cookies and other personal data, If you apply for a job, your other personal data, including the CV provided in this regard, and your service contract.

2. Processing Purposes

Your personal data, including your special personal data can be processed according to purposes as; execution of our company’s corporate sustainability activities, product and service presentation/promotion with explicit consent, transmitting important information that needs to be shared over personal contact data, Arrangement of all necessary records and documents for the completion of dental treatments, hair transplantation and aesthetic treatment in digital or physical environments, management of our company’s relations with business partners or suppliers, Execution of personnel procurement processes of our company, Execution/follow-up of our company’s legal affairs, planning and execution of corporate communication activities, complaint and satisfaction management, informing authorized institutions when necessary, creation and follow-up of visitor records, recording camera images in community buildings due to security practices, fulfilling the requirements of the signed contracts and similar purposes.

3. Transfer of Personal Data;

By ensuring that all necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to ensure the appropriate level of security in accordance with the KVK Law and related legislation, for purposes in Chapter 2, we can transfer your personal data to; persons/institutions and/or organizations permitted by the provisions of other relevant legislation, private insurance companies, banks, funds, foundations; our direct/indirect domestic/foreign shareholders, our subsidiaries and/or affiliates; our group companies; auditors; consultants; work partners, Domestic/foreign organizations and other real and/or legal third parties that we contract and/or provide services to, cooperate with, to carry out our activities.

4. Method and Legal Reason for Personal Data Collection;

For the purposes in the Chapter 2, your personal data are collected and stored in physical and digital environment via; during and/or before and/or after your arrival at the institutions within EstTime International Health Services; verbal, written, visual or electronic media, telephone, sms, mms etc. telecommunication communication means, e-mails you send, call center call records, website, verbal, printed and similar channels.
Your personal data will be deleted, destroyed or anonymized when the purpose for which it is to be processed in accordance with KVK Law art. 7/f.1 ceases and/or when the statute of limitations/reservation periods for which we are required to process your data in accordance with the legislation expires.

5. Your Rights Regarding the Protection of Personal Data;

In accordance with Article 11 of the KVK Law, to the extent that your personal data is processed as EstTime International Health Services Data Controller, you have the rights which; By filling in the “KVK Law Application Form” below and delivering it by hand to the address of the institution you received service from, sending it through a notary public, sending an e-mail with an e-mail signed with your own secure electronic signature or by sending a “Word or PDF” file with the extension of a secure electronic signature to our e-mail address to learn whether any of your personal data has been processed by, requesting information regarding processing activities, learning the purposes of processing, learning these persons/institutions and/or organizations in case they have been transferred to a third person/institution and/or organization in the country or abroad, requesting correction/updating of these if they are incomplete or incorrectly processed, Requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data in the event that the reasons for the processing disappear or EstTime International Health Services does not have a legal basis or legitimate interest to process the data in question, object to adverse results that may arise as a result of processing through automated systems, Requesting compensation for this damage if you suffer damage due to unlawful processing.

6. Circumstances in which Personal Data may be Processed without Explicit Consent in accordance with the KVK Law;

Pursuant to Article 5 of the KVK Law, the following personal data may be processed without your explicit consent in the following cases:
• In cases clearly stipulated in the laws
• If you, as the data owner, are unable to express your consent due to actual impossibility, or in cases where your consent is not legally valid, it is necessary to process your personal data in order to protect your own or someone else’s life or physical integrity,
• It is necessary to process your personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract,
• It is compulsory for the fulfillment of a legal obligation,
• Your personal data has been made public by you,
• Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right,
• Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of EstTime International HealthServices, provided that it does not harm your fundamental rights and freedoms.

7. Data Security;

EstTime International HealthServices protects your personal data against possible risks in full compliance with all technical and administrative security controls required in accordance with information security standards and procedures.


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